On Saturday April 1st, 2023 Dick, WB9VDK was recognized for his long service to the Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Assocation as Station Trustee. He was awarded a recognition plaque and a lifetime club membership.
The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association participated in the annual ARRL field day on June 25 & 26, 2022. A fun time was had by all. Below are photographs taken during the event. Click on any image to enlarge and scroll through the photos.
Congratulations to the committee, crew and vendors for a hugely successful 2021 Auburn Hamfest. Vendors began arriving Friday afternoon to get set up for the big day. Talk in operators began offering guidance at 7 a.m. Saturday and cheerfully welcomed numerous visitors to Auburn and the beautiful ACD Museum.
A scan of license plates on the parking lots found five states represented and numerous visitors brought their entire families to enjoy the hamfest and the magnificent classic cars on display in the museum.
The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association participated in the annual ARRL field day on June 26 & 27, 2021. A fun time was had by all. Below are photographs taken during the event. Click on any image to enlarge and scroll through the photos.
Jeff, KB9QG held a Technical training session on June 12, 2021 at First Christian Church in Auburn. The subject was: Using an antenna analyzer and using an antenna tuner to reduce reflected power (SWR).
The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association thanks Jeff for a very good educational presentation.
June 12, 2021 Technical Session – Antenna Analyzer’s
Second Annual Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association Hamfest July 11, 2020
The second annual Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association hamfest was held on Saturday July 11, 2020 at the Auburn Cord Duesenburgh museum. A good time was had by all.
John (W9GOO) reported: In order to put on an event of this nature, the Hamfest Committee composed of Jeff DeLucenay (KB9QG), Jack (W9OWO), Dave (KC9YY), and myself John (W9GOO) worked with the ACD Museum and did the planning and organizing for the event. A Hamfest requires a number of volunteers to do the many tasks needed and we certainly appreciate the contributions of all those who pitched in.
We had good attendance and a good number of inside sellers along with outside trunk sales. The ACD Museum was great to work with and it certainly is a beautiful facility. A lot of complementary feedback has been received.
Click here to view the online article in the Auburn Star.