On Saturday April 1st, 2023 Dick, WB9VDK was recognized for his long service to the Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Assocation as Station Trustee. He was awarded a recognition plaque and a lifetime club membership.
The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association received two grants to help purchase equipment for the group.
The ARRL Foundation awarded the NIARA a grant of just under $3000 in support of a Go Box project. A Go Box is a complete amateur radio station in a box. A Go Box is useful in an emergency communications situation and portable for remote communications. The other award was from the Amateur Radio Digital Communications headquarted in San Diego. The NIARA was given a grant of just under $30,000 in support of a project to buy a trailer and outfit it with most all forms of analog and digital communications. This would include a mobile analog/digital repeater, Arden Meesh, and computers with software such as FLDIGI, FLARQ, FLAMP, FLMSG, FLWRAP, N3FJP, WSJT, and Winlink. The trailer will be taken to gatherings to demonstrate amateur radio and its capabilities.
Thank you John KD9QDL for your work in securing these grants!
During the American Radio Relay League state convention held in Indianapolis on July 9 and 10, Jeff DeLucenay, KB9QG of Garrett was named Radio Amateur of the Year Runner-up by the Indiana Section ARRL.
Jeff was chosen among top amateur radio operators in Indiana for this honor by a committee of his peers. The award recognizes the Indiana amateur operator that most lives the Amateur’s Code and exemplifies the ideals of the ARRL Five Pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology and Membership. In addition to fulfilling the ideals of the Five Pillars of the ARRL, Jeff’s accomplishments include his service as vice-president of the Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association (NIARA) where he is a highly respected leader and mentor. In addition to being NIARA vice-president, Jeff is Chief Training Officer and Volunteer Examiner Coordinator for amateur radio license testing. Jeff’s success does not totally rely on his ability to learn or the knowledge he has acquired over the years. He easily builds relationships with all people and enjoys recruiting new amateurs and helping develop their skills. He truly exemplifies the best in amateur radio.