John Maag

2025 Auburn Hamfest scheduled for July 19, 2025 9am – 2pm

Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 10.49.06 AM
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Hamfest Flyer:
Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified Rating
Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified Rating
51 downloads 1.0 13-01-2025 19:54
431 downloads 1.0 22-03-2022 1:06
2025 Auburn Hamfest

The 2025 Northeastern Indiana Amature Radio Association. Auburn Indiana Hamfest is scheduled for Saturday July 19, 2025 from 9am to 2pm. Come join us for the fellowship and fun.

  • Setup time 7:00 am to 9:00 am
  • Free Admission 
  • Free Parking
  • Free Museum

New this year – VE Testing at 10:00 AM

Raffle Prizes (Tickets $5.00 each or Buy 2, get 1 free!):

  • 1st – XIEGU G90 HF 20w SSB/CW/AM/FM
  • 2nd – C3 Electronics Band Pass Filter
    (C3 Electronics is an Auburn Hamfest Vendor)
  • 3rd – Yaesu FT65 
  • 4th – $50.00 DX Engineering Gift Certificate
Talk-In: 147.015 PL Tone 141.3

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum
1600 Wayne Street
Auburn, IN 46706

 Sponsored by
DeKalb County Visitors Bureau

2025 Auburn Hamfest scheduled for July 19, 2025 9am – 2pm Read More »

W9OU Repeater Etiquette

A Reminder to all on Repeater usage and Control:

Repeater Etiquette:
The following information is a simple guide to courteous operation on repeaters. If you operate using these simple
guidelines, you will make it more enjoyable for everyone operating on repeaters, and you will also set a good
example for others. It never hurts to review the guidelines (and new hams may not be familiar with these
guidelines) to make sure you are being a responsible amateur radio operator. Remember, repeaters are a public
service, and general courtesy is expected of all amateur radio operators.

  •  Take the time to listen to a repeater before you talk.
  •  Transmit your call sign when you first come on the air. Make sure you ID once every 10 minutes, but there
    is no need to identify too often. (47CFR § 97.119.a)
  • Do not inject a comment into a conversation without saying your call sign. Part 97 of the Code of Federal
    Regulations, which governs our operations as amateur radio operators, requires that you identify with your
    callsign. (47 CFR § 97.119.a) Transmitting comments without identifying yourself is
    prohibited. Interrupting is no more polite on the radio than in the real world.
  • Do not monopolize the repeater. Simplex may be more appropriate for lengthy conversations. Keep in
    mind that repeaters are a shared resource and are to be available to a large community of users. A good
    operating practice is to use simplex for long conversations (rag chewing) if possible.
  • Our repeaters normally have a 3 minute “timeout” setting. The 3-minute length is meant as a maximum
    length, not a suggested length. It is considered good etiquette to keep your transmission length shorter than
  • Some topics are like land mines – Religion, Politics, Sex, etc. Do not discuss these subjects over the air! It
    can be more interesting than discussing what you ate for lunch last Wednesday, or the weather conditions
    you experienced two days ago, or how bad your bunions are troubling you, but “land mine” conversations
    can sometimes descend into a shouting match and can cause people to become upset (even those listening
    and not part of the conversation).
  • Do not belittle, berate, defame or speak ill of others….period. This includes individuals, groups, nations,
    aspect of the hobby, etc. Using words such as idiot, stupid, hate monger, etc. in reference to any person,
    entity or group should not be tolerated.
  • Even ‘mild’ obscenities are not good operating practice. This includes suggestive phrases, and suggestive
    phonetics. (47 CFR §97.113.a.4).
  • Give a pause before keying the mic and speaking. Don’t start speaking as you key the mic. Repeaters have a
    short delay before transmitting. If you start speaking too soon, your first few words may not be
    heard. Make sure you have finished speaking before you un-key the mic.
  • Pause periodically to see if anyone else would either like to join the conversation or use the repeater for a
    quick call that is not part of the ongoing conversation.
  • When identifying, please say your call sign slowly and clearly. Call signs that are rattled off too fast can
    make the call sign totally unintelligible.
  • Don’t forget that the FCC prohibits the transmission or retransmission of music (and almost anything else
    that is received over the airwaves; for specifics, see (47 CFR § 97.113.a.4). If you have a radio turned on (this
    is especially common for many mobile stations), make sure that it’s turned down before you transmit.
  • When using “comment” or “break” to be recognized and you are acknowledged by net control or the folks
    using the frequency, then be sure to identify with your call sign.

§97.119 Station identification.
(a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned
call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes
during a communication, for the purpose of clearly making the source of the transmissions from the
station known to those receiving the transmissions. No station may transmit unidentified communications
or signals, or transmit as the station call sign, any call sign not authorized to the station.
(b) The call sign must be transmitted with an emission authorized for the transmitting channel in one
of the following ways:
(1) By a CW emission. When keyed by an automatic device used only for identification, the speed
must not exceed 20 words per minute;
(2) By a phone emission in the English language. Use of a phonetic alphabet as an aid for correct
station identification is encouraged;
(3) By a RTTY emission using a specified digital code when all or part of the communications are
transmitted by a RTTY or data emission;
(4) By an image emission conforming to the applicable transmission standards, either color or
monochrome, of §73.682(a) of the FCC Rules when all or part of the communications are transmitted in
the same image emission
(c) One or more indicators may be included with the call sign. Each indicator must be separated
from the call sign by the slant mark (/) or by any suitable word that denotes the slant mark. If an indicator
is self-assigned, it must be included before, after, or both before and after, the call sign. No self-assigned
indicator may conflict with any other indicator specified by the FCC Rules or with any prefix assigned to
another country.
(d) When transmitting in conjunction with an event of special significance, a station may substitute
for its assigned call sign a special event call sign as shown for that station for that period of time on the
common data base coordinated, maintained and disseminated by the special event call sign data base
coordinators. Additionally, the station must transmit its assigned call sign at least once per hour during
such transmissions.
(e) When the operator license class held by the control operator exceeds that of the station licensee,
an indicator consisting of the call sign assigned to the control operator’s station must be included after the
call sign.
(f) When the control operator is a person who is exercising the rights and privileges authorized by
§97.9(b) of this part, an indicator must be included after the call sign as follows:
(1) For a control operator who has requested a license modification from Novice Class to Technical
Class: KT;
(2) For a control operator who has requested a license modification from Novice or Technician to
General Class: AG;
(3) For a control operator who has requested a license modification from Novice, Technician,
General, or Advanced Class to Amateur Extra Class: AE.
(g) When the station is transmitting under the authority of §97.107 of this part, an indicator
consisting of the appropriate letter-numeral designating the station location must be included before the
call sign that was issued to the station by the country granting the license. For an amateur service license
granted by the Government of Canada, however, the indicator must be included after the call sign. At
least once during each intercommunication, the identification announcement must include the
geographical location as nearly as possible by city and state, commonwealth or possession.
[54 FR 25857, June 20, 1989, as amended at 54 FR 39535, Sept. 27, 1989; 55 FR 30457, July 26, 1990; 56 FR 28,
Jan. 2, 1991; 62 FR 17567, Apr. 10, 1997; 63 FR 68980, Dec. 14, 1998; 64 FR 51471, Sept. 23, 1999; 66 FR 20752,
Apr. 25, 2001; 75 FR 78171, Dec. 15, 2010]
A repeater trustee is responsible for the proper operation of their assigned repeaters. A repeater trustee is also
responsible for:
 Ensuring that the club station license is operated in the club’s best interests
 Following all FCC rules
 Designating control operators
 Determining who can use the club license

W9OU Repeater Etiquette Read More »

The Straight Key Century Club has awarded John, WG9K the Senator Award.


The Straight Key Century Club has awarded John, WG9K the Senator Award.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Gather ’round and pay heed to the news of this day!

Let there be revelry & celebration for yet another Tribune has advanced to the Senator Sx1 level of SKCC achievement !!!
John Rostorfer, WG9K, SKCC# 13710T, has achieved the coveted 3rd generation
SKCC member achievement known far and wide as the Senator Sx1 award.

The Senator Sx1 award is earned by SKCC Tribunes who have attained their
Tx8, working 200 other Tribunes or Senators.

John’s log & application were submitted to the Senator Administrator on
11-Feb-2024. The Senator award Analysis Team performed an exhaustive review
of the submitted documentation. The process confirmed that all of the 200
required contacts had indeed been made with established SKCC Tribunes or
Senators subsequent to John’s Tribune x8 date.

Having submitted a log and sworn statement, both of which have survived the
intense tests used by the Senator administrator, John Rostorfer, WG9K, is
duly proclaimed to be SKCC Senator Sx1.

This SKCC member shall, from this day forward, proclaim to all that their
SKCC Number ends with S. He shall enjoy all the honor and privilege that
appertains thereto and all shall accord him the esteem and respect
appropriate to their achievements.

The Master Senator List has been duly scribed where all SKCC Members may
reflect upon and pay tribute to this momentous achievement.

**This award is effective as of 0000Z on 13-Feb-2024.**

Congratulations to: John Rostorfer, WG9K, SKCC# 13710T, Senator #808 Sx1.

Duly approved, recorded, and published.
I set forth my hand and key on 12-Feb-2024
Ron Bower, AC2C
SKCC 2748S
SKCC Senator Administrator

The Straight Key Century Club has awarded John, WG9K the Senator Award. Read More »

DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Information Class Sunday February 25, 2024 2pm-4pm

DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Information Class, Sunday, February 25th at the Comfort Suites in Auburn, 2 to 4 pm. Jeff, (KB9QG) Will be hosting this class on DMR. There will be several radios to show and demonstrate. With these radios you can talk worldwide.
Comfort Suites
1137 W 15th St
Auburn, IN 46706
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Information Class Sunday February 25, 2024 2pm-4pm Read More »