The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association (NIARA) is a not for profit organization of amateur (ham) radio operators located in the city of Auburn in Dekalb county Indiana. Read More
Join us on the air
The W9OU repeater is owned and operated by the NIARA and can be found at frequency 147.015 with a +600Khz offset PL Tone of 141.3 is required. Join us any time on the air at this frequency or for the Tri-State two meter amateur net Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7pm , the ARES training net at 7:00pm on Wednesday, or Sunday’s at 7:00pm for the Circle of Friends Prayer net.

Digital Corner

Digital Communication Trailer Updates

Meeting Reminder
The NIARA breakfast meeting is on April 5th at Lalos resturant 104 N, Peters St in Garrett. Attendees can start arriving at 7am for breakfast with the business meeting starting at 8:15am. Visitors are welcome.
Class schedule: Instructor Code Group
February 18 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL K, M, U, R, E
February 25 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL S, N, A, P, T
March 4 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL L, W, I, . , J
March 11 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL Z, BT, F, O, Y
March 18 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL , , V, G, 5, /
March 25 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL Q, 9, 2, H, 3
April 1 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL 8, B, ?, 4, 7
April 8 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL C, 1, D, 6, 0, X
April 15 6:30 to 8:00 PM N9DGL Certification & Celebration!
Note: Most classes will end by 7:30-7:45pm.
N9DGL Bruce will be primary instructor with KC9Z Kurt and W9GOO John as alternate/co-instructors.
We will be using the learning system. Everyone should use it to practice on-line between classes.
Where: Comfort Suite Inn, 1137 W 15 St, Auburn Indiana 46706 Classes will be held In the Conference Room on the first floor. Straight in the main entrance, then take a right down the hall. The Conference room will be on your left.
News and Information

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Glade N. Rogers, age 90, of Cromwell, passed away on...
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