Dave Southern was given two awards at the November club meeting. One to honor his dedicated service to the Northeast Indiana Amateur Radio Association (NIARA) as well as a lifetime membership.
Word has been received that Jeff DeLucenay, KB9QG is the ARRL’s 2023 Technical Service Award Recipient. This award and other awards were decided at the ARRL Board Meeting in Windsor, CT late in July. Recognition for Jeff can be found on page 65 of the October, 2023 QST magazine. The Technical Service Award is given annually to a licensed radio amateur or to individuals who are licensed radio amateurs whose service to the amateur community and/or society at large is of the most exemplary nature within the framework of Amateur Radio technical activities.
Jeff is currently Vice President of the Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association. He is the ARRL DeKalb County Technical Specialist, VEC, NIARA Station Trustee, and develops and coordinates technical presentations, as well as numerous other activities.
In 2021, Jeff was was named Radio Amateur of the Year Runner-up by the Indiana Section ARRL.
Congratulations to the committee, crew and vendors for a hugely successful 2023 Auburn Hamfest. Talk in operators began offering guidance at 7 a.m. Saturday and cheerfully welcomed numerous visitors to Auburn and the beautiful ACD Museum. Numerous visitors brought their entire families to enjoy the hamfest and the magnificent classic cars on display in the museum.
On Friday June 16 th at 6:30 PM Jeff, KB9QG held a class on tuner and antenna analyzer atthe 1st Christian Church (910 N. Indiana Ave, Auburn In). This was a hands on event to learnhow to use tuners and antenna analyzer in preparation for Field Day. Jeff showed how to use the antenna analyzer and William, AE9EC got to try his hand at it. He also showed how touse the tuner to match the radio to the antenna. Want to thank Jeff for putting this on and Dave, KC9YY, William AE9EC and JD KD9QDL for attending.
Jeff, KB9QG held a Technical training session on June 12, 2021 at First Christian Church in Auburn. The subject was: Using an antenna analyzer and using an antenna tuner to reduce reflected power (SWR).
The Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association thanks Jeff for a very good educational presentation.
June 12, 2021 Technical Session – Antenna Analyzer’s
Second Annual Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association Hamfest July 11, 2020
The second annual Northeastern Indiana Amateur Radio Association hamfest was held on Saturday July 11, 2020 at the Auburn Cord Duesenburgh museum. A good time was had by all.
John (W9GOO) reported: In order to put on an event of this nature, the Hamfest Committee composed of Jeff DeLucenay (KB9QG), Jack (W9OWO), Dave (KC9YY), and myself John (W9GOO) worked with the ACD Museum and did the planning and organizing for the event. A Hamfest requires a number of volunteers to do the many tasks needed and we certainly appreciate the contributions of all those who pitched in.
We had good attendance and a good number of inside sellers along with outside trunk sales. The ACD Museum was great to work with and it certainly is a beautiful facility. A lot of complementary feedback has been received.
Click here to view the online article in the Auburn Star.
NIARA members and friends enjoyed a delicious lunch in honor of the association’s highly successful 80th Anniversary year, 2019. President John Chalmers opened the event with introductions. Afterwards, a few moments of silence allowed everyone to reflect privately and give thanks.